Nicotine Flavoured Scones for Smoko by Shirley Bastin

An opportunity to buy a fascinating book directly from the author.

Tobacco has pervaded life in New Zealand since first arriving here and the stuff continues its insidious hold even after the demise of the local tobacco growing industry in 1995. The ‘golden harvest’ of tobacco is more than a blip in New Zealand’s horticultural history – for seven decades tobacco dominated both the landscape and the community of the wider Motueka region. The crop presented unique opportunities as well as formidable challenges for growers and their families. It also affected the lives of thousands of young seasonal workers who came to Motueka to work hard, and to play hard. These are the experiences and observations of one Motueka Valley ‘tobacco kid’ from a family which was ruled by the demands of tobacco growing for four generations.

This book is available for $25 from the author at


“Four Years Away” the war diaries of Charles Graham Lancaster

Neil Lancaster has recently transcribed the war diaries of his father Charles Graham Lancaster who served in the Middle East during World War 2. These have now been printed in a very impressive book and it is well worth reading. If you are interested in this book speak with Neil or it can be purchased from Scorpio Books at $34.99 per copy. This is a very attractive publication and good that we can support one of our members.