Faulkners Track to Ōtoromiro Hotel, Governors Bay 7 December 2022

As in 2021 our end of year/Christmas do was at Ōtoromiro Hotel. Sixty people including driver Viktor and Associate Members Sally, Neil and Derek booked for the buffet lunch. Viktor’s consummate bus driving skills were in evidence as he – with assistance from a number of trampers – negotiated the hilltop turn around trucks and workers busy with the construction of a new observation centre.

Various walking options were available: Some of those in cars walked up the hill to meet those (led by Chris and tailended by Janice) walking down, while others joined those walking along the waterfront. The walk from the Sign of the Bellbird via the Crater Rim and Faulkners Tracks undulated gently and then was steadily downwards, conducive to a walking song, putting some words to a tune that is as old as the hills (with apologies to Frederic Austin).


On the first day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

A pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the second day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Two walking poles

And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the third day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Three sixty views

Two walking poles

And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the fourth day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Four mountain huts

Three sixty views

… And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the fifth day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Fiiiive first aid kits

Four mountain huts

…And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the sixth day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Six scenic bus trips

Fiiiive first aid kits

… And a pigeon in a pūriri tree




On the seventh day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Seven morning tea stops

Six scenic bus trips

… And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the eighth day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Eight boots a-muddied

Seven morning tea stops

… And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the ninth day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Nine leaders leading

Eight boots a-muddied

… And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the tenth day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Ten hills to climb

Nine leaders leading

… And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the eleventh day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Eleven water bottles

Ten hills to climb

… And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


On the twelfth day of Christmas

My tramp’n club gave to me

Twelve river crossings

Eleven water bottles

Ten hills to climb

Nine leaders leading

Eight boots a-muddied

Seven morning tea stops

Six scenic bus trips

Fiiiive first aid kits

Four mountain huts

Three sixty views

Two walking poles

And a pigeon in a pūriri tree


Mercifully, we were soon at the bottom! Following a change of clothing for some, we all enjoyed mains and puddings and beverages too – and extra-convivial company on the bus ride home. Best wishes to all for the festive season.

Text by Jen C


Boundary Hill_Red Lakes 30 November 2022

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Alan Chris Warren Steve G
Alternates Norma Nick Gary G Moira

Distance (Standards) 10.84km (with lake visit included); duration 4hrs 40min; elevation gain 634m

There were 44 walkers on the bus for the penultimate tramp of 2022. Our driver was Alan and we were delighted to welcome visitors Annette and Les. Happily Les was undeterred by the events of last week (President Bev had updated us in the days following with the news that the two injured trampers have had their injuries attended to and are now rehabilitating. We look forward to walking with them again in 2023). The catch-up chatter was loud on the way to Boundary Hill. We arrived and split into our habitual two groups.

After initially following a four wheel drive track, the Alternates plotted a course up the valley through matagouri, wild Spaniard/giant speargrass and bog.  There was vain hope that the tussock clumps underneath our feet might provide support. Often they didn’t and boots became caked in mud. Eventually the ridgeline was reached and the going became easier. From our vantage point we could see the Standards opposite, seemingly skipping their way along a formed track. At the Alternates’ lunch spot, a small group chose to continue to the top of Boundary Hill.   We all then regrouped and made our return via the fault line, albeit with a few navigational errors along the way. One member took a dip in the swamp, another a slow tumble down into a creek, resulting in a very wet pack as he landed on his back, being hauled upright. The circular route made a good day’s walk and everyone returned to the bus in cheerful spirits.


By comparison the Standards’ walk was uneventful. We climbed to the fault line enjoying the little golden Bulbinella spires and not so much the matagouri. A photo of us in sabre (read tramping pole) arch formation – on either side of the fault line – was called for and taken. Then it was lovely alpine pasture walking to the Alternates’ lunch spot and a short scramble to the top of the hill.

We ate lunch enjoying the 360 degree view and watching the sky darken and covered up with merino and waterproof layers before beginning our descent. It was just as well we’d “armoured up” because most of us did battle with Spaniards on the way down. Blood was drawn. There are some steep, and spectacularly coloured drop offs to contend with too. Cautious walking was required.

At the bottom we connected with various four wheel drive tracks, a small contingent detouring to look at the Red Lake, and we all eventually wound our way to the bus stop. We filled the wait for the bus with talk of pre-tramp routines including Epsom salts baths and eye masks and post-tramp wedding outfits. We look forward to the wedding photos.


Awa Awa_McLennans Bush 23 November 2022

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Dave B Selwyn Ailsa Veronica
Alternates Bruce Leonie Eric Michelle

Distance (Standards) 12km; duration (without incident) 4hrs 45min; elevation gain 634m

President Bev welcomed the 44 trampers aboard the coach with a special welcome to visitor, Les, and our ever-popular driver, Victor. It was a longer than usual trip with road works almost the whole distance it seemed. There was a double chocolate shout, with Judy celebrating a birthday and Nicky marking her final walk with our club.

Victor was understandably cautious at the entrance to the Reserve. Successfully negotiating the narrow bridge, the sound of the trees scraping on the roof and sides of the bus heralded our arrival. The very wet ground on either side of the driveway underscored his questioning the team in the front seats as to where he would be able to turn. With a great deal of sang-froid he was reassured that there were no problems, and to push on.

Just after 10.30 and in sunshine, the two groups moved off and quickly set into the task of negotiating the steady climb with the significant step-ups proving a true test for those with shorter legs. The track has plenty of exposed roots and stones to trip the unwary, and recent rain made for boggy and slippery conditions underfoot. Morning tea and lunch stops were reached with some relief, and most were happy to leave the hard work behind and enjoy the descent through the beech forest.

The Alternates were the first to have a mishap. The whistle blast alerted those further along the track to stop and wait, and word filtered through that one of our number had slipped and almost certainly broken a wrist. While we waited, the leading group from the Standards caught up with us and one produced the bottom two-thirds of a walking pole and asked if anyone had noticed they had lost it. The owner was unaware and very pleased to have it back, taking the consequential ribbing well. While we were exchanging news, a second alarm was heard. One tramper identified this as coming from a different whistle to the first, and sure enough one of the Standards had also fallen with a more serious injury. Inquiries as to whether or not we had a doctor in our midst elicited a “Yes, several,” but with degrees in chemistry, entomology etc, we didn’t feel they should be asked to “step up” in this instance. Thankfully we do have a former orthopaedic specialist nurse – a big thankyou to Kate, and to Jan our ex-pharmacist who managed the pain relief, to Bev, our tail enders, and the team who took charge of backpacks and helped this second casualty negotiate the remainder of the walk to the bus. We were all delighted to see him upright (with the help of two tramping poles, and gaffer tape) and managing a smile for us. The wonders of modern medication!

It was reassuring that we had the physical and human resources to manage these two injuries until we could get the members to their families and medical attention. It was a sombre trip home with Bev thanking everyone for their help and reassuring our visitor that this had not been a typical day in the life of Bishopdale Tramping Club. We wish our two companions a speedy return to full health.

Text by           Jan Bw

Drachophyllum Flat 16 November 2022


  Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Steve Bw Chris S Jan Br Ailsa
Alternates Linley T Nick Jan Bw Kiwan

  Distance: 13.2 km                      Duration: 4 hrs                            Elevation Gain: 510 m

We left Bishopdale carpark at 8.30am with our driver James. Picking up more trampers at Yaldhurst we had a good turnout of 46.  We arrived at Mistletoe Flat Campsite at Craigieburn at about 10.20am. In the car park we met a group of Medbury School pupils who were staying at Lyndon Lodge.

It was a lovely day with no wind, slightly overcast and a nice temperature for walking.

The 22 Standards set off along the mountain beech-forested ski field road. After morning tea at 11am we followed the Dracophyllum Track – nice and dry in most places – through the beech forest. Descending to Broken River we crossed the bridge one at a time for safety reasons as it is still in need of repair after flood damage to its structure.  Climbing again we came out of the trees to the open terrace of Dracophyllum Flat. We had our lunch at 12.20pm. As we took in the views of the surrounding mountains, the sun came out (as well as a surge of bugs) and a chirpy bellbird could be heard nearby.

After lunch we made our way up to a low saddle, avoiding the matagouri.  There is quite a steep descent to where we were to cross Broken River so everyone took extra care making their way down.  We crossed the river three times. It was shallow and calm so this was not a problem.  The climb up a steep, muddy bank onto the terrace after the final river crossing took some effort and some helpful hands at the top pulling us up the last part were much appreciated. After a bit more of a climb up to the terrace it was an easy walk in squelchy boots back to the highway to the bus pick-up point. The bus arrived at 2.55pm having already picked up the Alternates and it was back to Christchurch with everyone having had a very enjoyable day tramping.

Text by Judy R

There were 24 Alternates. Linley made a great job of leading as did Kiwan at the tailend.

Some discussion was had about an alternate “second half” avoiding the 6 km long, winding, dusty metal road to the bus pick-up. The suggestion that after lunch we return the same way we came generally found approval. A consideration would be how wet/muddy the track was.

Text by Jan Bw

Annavale – Benmore Hut – 13 Mile Bush 09 November 2022


  Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Alan H Dave R Glenys Veronica
Alternates Leonie Nick Eric Pip

Distance (Standards): 14.5km            Duration: 5hrs 30min                       Elevation Gain: 577m

With the weather threatening to ruin this tramp planned for last week, it was swapped with one on the Port Hills.  This week we could not have had a better day – well done weather team!

We set off with 43 trampers, including visitor Xia, as our driver James, drove us out past Springfield to Benmore Station. With an even split in the groups we set off to walk this new tramp.

The first couple of kms is on a farm track, relatively flat with a few washouts and muddy spots to stop us getting too complacent. We then cross a stile onto the 13 Mile Bush Track for a short time before heading across another stile onto the Annavale Track. This track is a recently opened farm track (commonly known as a public easement) that gives access to two peaks on the fringes of Korowai/Torlesse Tussocklands. This highest peak Sugarloaf is at 1205m.

We were not aiming to climb to the highest point, and at the first major sharp switchback along the track, we reached an elevation of 831m. This point has some great views and provides an ideal spot for morning tea. As we continued on (and on) up the track the Standards could see the Alternates reaching the same view spot.

After climbing to 966m we reached the turn-off to Benmore Hut. Benmore Hut Link Track goes between Benmore Hut and the Annavale Track. Orange poled markers are followed along the tops and then orange triangle markers throughout the bush all the way to Benmore Hut. The bush track is steep in places and there is quite a lot of tree fall requiring some careful negotiation.

We were all pleased to see the bright orange Deerstalker’s Hut and enjoyed some shade for our lunch break. We hadn’t been there long when the Over Forties Tramping Club (OFTC) arrived.  Having seen them ahead of us when we started, we were surprised to see them arrive after us – they blamed taking a wrong turn! We were pleased to be heading down the track and not back up to the Annavale
Track as the OFTC were.

When the reccie was undertaken on this track 12 months ago, the storm damage was very evident, sadly it appears this is not a priority track for DOC to have cleared.  Scrambling over, under or through trees across the tracks, along with stream crossings meant slow going until we were out of the bush. We then headed back to the bus, the same way we had started.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the variety and challenges this tramp offered and we certainly felt as if we had had a good workout. Text by Jan Bbr

Following Leader Leonie’s huddle at the carpark, 20 of the Alternates set forth up the track under a clear blue sky and the sun at our backs. Our first stream crossing was welcomed by those whose feet required cooling. After the regulatory 10 minute morning tea on a terrace above 13 Mile Bush Stream it was uphill to the first saddle. Great views were had eastward down the valley that we had just walked. We retraced our steps to the Annavale / Benmore Track junction where we turned upriver on the Benmore Track.

After approximately forty minutes walking upstream the track became difficult to traverse owing to flood damage and fallen trees. Lunch stop was called with a choice of either shaded or full sun beside the stream. A pleasant return walk was had as we recrossed the stream a number of times, this keeping our feet cool. All 20 made it back to the bus. A most pleasant day’s tramp. Well done everyone.

P.S. “Alas, no tales to tell out of school” – damn. Text by Les

Pony Point to Barnett Park 2 November 2022


Group Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Peter Steve B Kay Sally
Alternates Liz Swallow Leonie Gary G Moira

Stats: distance 13.2 km, elevation gain 583 m, time 4 hrs 30 mins

We left on the bus from the Bishopdale pickup at 8.30am. Our bus driver for the day was Keith.  Once we had picked up the rest of our trampers at Barnett Park we had a total of 48, including one visitor, David. This was more than recent tramps and it was great to see such a good turnout. The bus continued to Pony Point and dropped off the Standards (who numbered 30) at 9.30am.

The weather was warm and overcast with a northwest wind as we set off. After a comfort stop at the very well-maintained facilities at Cass Bay we made our way to the Lyttelton waterfront where we had morning tea.  It was sad to see on our walk to Lyttelton that there were a lot of polluted water signs dotted around Cass Bay warning people to keep out of the water.

After morning tea we set off upwards through the streets of Lyttelton eventually arriving at the start of the Major Hornbrook Track. Passing the Alternates on the way up and tackling a series of daunting steps we made it to the Summit Road at 12.05pm and had lunch under a rocky outcrop. We were quite sheltered and the sun popped in and out of the clouds every so often. Peter won the sandwich competition in our group but had some very close contenders.

The views across Pegasus Bay to the mountains were amazing, with the sea coloured various stunning shades of blue. You could tell there was very heavy rainfall happening on the West Coast. The wind was quite strong and gusty when we first reached the Summit Road but died away after lunch as we walked round past the aerials on the top of Mt Pleasant and on down to the Eastenders Track.  When the sun came out it was very warm.  Descending the Eastenders Track to Barnett Park where the bus was waiting we again passed the Alternates. Various other walkers that we met during the day were quite overcome with the size of our tramping group as they stood to the side in awe while we filed past. We arrived back at Bishopdale at 3.00pm after a very enjoyable day. Text by Judy R

After dropping the Standards at Pony Point, our bus driver continued onwards to Rapaki for a turning bay. We 18 alternates imagined that the Standards would not be within cooee, but as we drove back to Corsair Bay drop off point, the Standards were spied making good progress along the coastal track.

The popular walking track to Lyttelton was left behind as we took to the streets for our morning tea stop at Three-Piece Suite Reserve. A much appreciated break, unfortunately one or two were shy of their muffins which had been left at home. We were able to enjoy people, property and port watching as we soon resumed our stride to Major Hornbrook Track. Other walkers were encountered, many having changed plans to avoid the inclement weather in the mountains.

The front of our pack herded several quail along Harmans Road. What to call this collection of birds? A quintet of quail was suggested, or as the more visually able were able to count six in number, maybe a sextet. Google informs that the collective noun for such a group is “A bevy or covey of quails”.

Tailender Moira was kept busy counting the group, a big responsibility when the upward grind towards the Summit Road started impacting on the speed of walkers and one of the Standards joined the group. As usual the spirit of the club was to the fore, we were more than an amble of walkers, with encouragement and some double packing briefly undertaken. Lunch was enjoyed in the sunshine below the Summit Road. Our route continued along a section of the Summit Road below Mt Pleasant, before the descent on the sun baked Eastenders Track to Barnett Park. Text by Marie-Therese

Dry Acheron 26 October 2022


Group Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Selwyn Chris Kate Shirley
Alternates Linley Leonie Gary Bruce

 Stats: distance 13.4/12km, vertical ascent 280m, time 3hrs 45mins

We set out with Keith our driver on a Torlesse bus (less rattley than the last),and with  numbers reduced to 34 due to Covid and sickness. It was a clear spring morning. Anticipating warmth, the easterly wind gusting through the pines at the outset was an  unwelcome surprise.

The Standards (19) warmed up quickly enough when we turned the corner and had the wind at our backs and settled into the day’s business of wading through the wet bits and  clambouring over the knobbley bits of the bed of the Dry Acheron Stream.  We were accompanied by, and mindful of sheep and new lambs throughout. Top count was a sheep with quadruplets! We reached the little lake at lunchtime, opting to eat in the lee of the hill among the matagouri, sheltered from the wind and overlooked by the Alternates.

The return was mostly the same route aside from putting up a pair of Paradise ducks and our Leader mixing it up a little taking us up a hill and down a cow-pugged slope. All round an invigorating walk.

Text by Jen

Departing the bus at 10.20am with Linley Trapp as leader, the Alternatives (15) followed the Standards along 2 pine tree shelter belts and down to the Acheron riverbed. We crossed the river up to a dozen times and edged gingerly around a difficult bluff above the river before we reached the Clay Valley Covenant turnoff on the right. By taking this track above the river we avoided further river crossings which had been slowing our progress. The easy ascent took us eventually to a shingle road which we continued to follow. By about 12.15pm Linley spotted a great lunch spot overlooking the river. With sunny conditions overhead and a brisk breeze blowing we nestled in for lunch, content with our efforts thus far.

We could have returned the way we had come but the majority felt following the road back as far as possible was the way to go. No more boulder hopping or wet feet for us! We enjoyed a fabulous view of the upper Rakaia Gorge – a bonus for being at that higher elevation. Interesting too that we could watch the Standards at times picking their way back along the riverbed.

Back at the bus by 2.15pm with the Standards close behind – a great day’s walk for the whole group.

Text by Leonie

Monument – Mt Herbert – Diamond Harbour 19 October 2022


Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Wendy Alan Jan Bbr Kate
Alternates Eric Margaret S Ali Moira

Stats: distance 14.2km, ascent 919m, time 4hrs 30mins

DOC categorizes the Monument to Mt Herbert track as an “Advanced Tramping Track” (aka “Challenging day” per DOC definitions) and for many of the 37 BTC trampers, that was an apt characterisation. Our driver Victor left Bishopdale promptly at 8:30, we picked up a few more hearty souls at the Halswell Library, and we were on the trail by 10:20.

The Standards group was made up of 24 trampers; the Alternatives were comprised of 14. The route we take has been described by Nathan James, the blogger behind the website Adventures of the South (www.adventuresofthesouth.com/mt-herbert) as “Easy-Moderate”. Steady climb is a good description. The Alternatives included 4 OBE’s, so do not let this description dissuade you from this tramp.

After an initial grunt, both groups had morning tea in the same location.  Some of us looked over Diamond Harbour. Others looked up to the mountains that were our goal for the day and wondered what was to come.

Up and up we went, about 5K to the 920 m summit of Mt. Herbert, which DOC says is “the highest peak on Banks Peninsula. The summit is dominated by tussocks, with a few speargrass plants, scattered around a small antenna housing.” The track is quite well marked on the way to the summit.

The Standards arrived about 15 minutes before the Alternatives, and we all had time to recover over lunch. The wind began to pick up and the clouds started coming in from the East, so most donned gloves, hats and jackets before the descent.

The remaining downhill tramp is not quite as well marked as the ascent, but Alternative leader Eric brought us down over what seemed like 15 stiles and through one electrified fence which thankfully was not hot as we traversed it. We covered farmland with cows nursing their calves which looked askance at our invasion of their otherwise peaceful afternoon. Fortunately, the winds blew the clouds away and we had lovely weather.

Down and down we went all the way to the Harbour where the Alternatives were met with the sight of most of the Standards with boots off and eating ice creams. A painful sight, to be sure.

Back to Halswell and Bishopdale, and we ended a lovely great challenging tramp. Txt by Michele


Mt Grey 12 October 2022

Group Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Glenys Steve B Jan Barber Janice
Alternates Norma Alan H Ali Ray

Stats: distance 11.5km, vertical ascent 665m, time 4hrs 40mins

On a dull and coolish day, 48 trampers set off from Bishopdale driven by our trusty driver, Viktor. It proved a rather noisy journey on a more basic bus than we have previously experienced with everyone having a good catch up. Dave started off the journey waving chocolates courtesy of Steve G celebrating his birthday. Happy Birthday Steve!

President Bev joined our group in Woodend. She announced of the 48 trampers three were visitors and welcomed David Hercus, Connor Paynter (nephew of Peter) and Ben Stribling (grandson of Janice and Warren). She also welcomed Keith back. Bev reminded everyone of the weeding day on Tuesday next week and also advised that Loanne had a water bladder to give away if anyone was interested.

Following our customary comfort stop in Amberley, we headed west to Mt Grey. Did you know that Maori had a poetic name for Mt Grey, “Maukatere” or floating mountain but in fact the peak was named after Sir George Grey, governor and premier of NZ between 1845-1879. (Information courtesy of Mark Pickering in his book “Walk Away – a guide to walking places in Canterbury”.

The alternatives were dropped off at Lake Janet to begin their walk and the standards were dropped off a kilometre from the beginning of the Mt Grey track. At 10.10 the standards set off walking steadily upward on a well graded forest track to the summit at 934m. There were some rather muddy stretches to negotiate and a tricky climb through bush where a tree had come down making the track inaccessible. It was lovely to hear bird song as we walked along. We broke out into tussock as we got nearer the top but didn’t get to our destination at the top until 1 pm after zigzagging around the mountain. There was a cold wind blowing on the top which made our lunch break not so pleasant but we were soon up and following the alternatives down to Lake Janet via the lookout. We were pleased to get back to the forest and away from the wind as we negotiated our way on a good track (albeit with a few muddy stretches making sliding a distinct possibility).

Nearing the end of the walk, Alan H came to the rescue of our visitor David when the sole of one of his boots parted company with the upper. Alan quickly supplied some trusty duct tape and taped top and bottom together to allow him to continue!

Boot repair skillfully & successfully completed..!

We arrived at Lake Janet about 2.45 pm, unscathed but muddy, to find the alternatives already at the bus. Lake Janet was named after Janet Beattie who, with her husband Robert, visited the lake often in the 1880s. (Again, information courtesy of Mark Pickering’s book “Walk Away”). The weather did get brighter as the day went on and everyone, except maybe Ben (age 11) who found it quite a long walk, enjoyed stretching the legs and the bus was considerably quieter on the return journey!  Text by Janice

*The bus dropped off the 28 Alternates plus Mentor Alan H at Lake Janet in misty cool conditions. Several Standards had infiltrated the group, no doubt a result of missing several weeks tramping in the last month. This was the first time we had been able to use the Lake Janet track for a couple of years due to lack of maintenance.

The track winds through a cleared area of pine forest before entering the forest proper. Morning tea was taken on the track but unfortunately the view was limited due to the low cloud. At the former fire watch tower the group headed up through the scrub towards the summit. However on reaching the saddle between the two peaks the conditions weren’t ideal and only 10 continued on the summit of Mt Grey. Lunch was had on the sheltered side below the top before we quickly moved on to escape the cold wind and mist.

The return to Lake Janet was without incident and we were back at the bus in time to have a look at Lake Janet before the standards returned 45 minutes later. Despite the gloomy conditions the tramp was enjoyable and nice to be back on the Lake Janet track. Text by Ray

McCormacks Bay to Moncks Bay 28 September 2022


Group Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Chris Dave R/Alan H Sally Margaret E
Alternates Norma Leonie Maureen Ray

Stats: distance 15km, vertical ascent 676m, time 5hrs 20mins

Some of our 41 trampers were concerned as to whether their fitness was up to scratch after a couple of weeks missed because of cancellations or injuries, and others that rain might come early.

However, this diary writer was worried that the day would be a ditto day to last year’s tramp, and there would be nothing new to write this time. Not that anyone was hoping there would be any dramatic events like an emergency helicopter rescue of course! Well, there were some differences, such as delightful celebratory treats from the Dunstans to celebrate a Significant Birthday, and the clever route our driver Alan took through the heavy Papanui traffic.

Twenty-five Standards were dropped off at McCormacks Bay Reserve (where there is just one miniscule women’s toilet in a vast building by the way) and the 16 Alternates were chauffeured up to John Britten Reserve to begin their expedition. There were lots of lovely flowers along Flowers Track, but not so much chatter as the Standards hiked at a smart pace towards John Britten Reserve and on to a morning tea spot with a great view. Leader Chris led us confidently with a few variations to the route, with the occasional short cut which no one complained about (though there might have been the occasional mutter about the steepness of the terrain).

At the Summit Road we detoured slightly to admire the view of Lyttelton before continuing on past the site of the old gun emplacements. Lunch was a little further on, in a lovely spot sheltered by prettily blooming yellow…gorse. The views of the estuary and Southshore were outstanding, as was the quarry on the hill above Evans Pass, looking like an amphitheatre for giants. Recipes and book reviews were exchanged as we relaxed and enjoyed the view, and some of us even harassed a random passing hiker named John on the merits of joining Bishopdale Trampers.

Downhill … just what we needed, following a track obviously frequented by sheep, down to Evans Pass, and then….up, looping back round the hillside until we were back just below the gun emplacements. We got our first glimpse of the Alternates on their downward spiral towards Evans Pass, apparently enjoying themselves (though one of the OBEs accidentally did an impressive bit   of gymnastics I hear).

The drizzle we were resolutely ignoring became more like light rain as we followed the narrow track along   towards   civilization/Panorama   Road.   One of   the   Weather   Team   notably   did   not   don   a   rain jacket – just so he was able to declare it could not actually be raining if his jacket was not getting wet! We enjoyed walking down Clifton Hill, admiring some impressive houses and some gorgeous spring gardens.

Mulgans Track lead us down to Moncks Bay, our usual spot for finding our waiting Leopard bus, but alas, the road cones and masses of tradies’ vans were so numerous that we had to toddle a little further to Barnett Park to our beloved bus, soon to be joined by the small mob of Alternates.

So, a most enjoyable day. Yes, at around 15kms it was quite taxing when you haven’t tramped for a few weeks, and yes, it did rain, and no, nothing much different happened from the last time this diary writer recorded this tramp. However, it was so good to get together again and enjoy another part of our wonderful Port Hills backyard.  Txt by Shirley