Mt Thomas 30 August 2023

                   Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Glenys Tony G Jen C Shirley
Alternates Ali Norma Gary G Kiwan

Distance 10.8km, ascent 790m, time 5hrs 25mins

Mt Thomas had been scheduled for 2nd August but was cancelled due to the weather so you may have heard a collective sigh of relief from trampers as the chance to summit was gone for another year. Not our fault, beaten by the weather. It has been a few years since we have reached the jumble of meteorological towers and large trig on top but always with a legitimate reason of course, rain setting in, gale force winds, excessive cloud obscuring the view or running out of time.

With a good forecast, 16 degrees, light winds 29 trampers which included one new visitor Lisa and driven by Callum we left Bishopdale with one pickup, Glenys at Ohoka Road. We were all busy chatting as we do when some realized we were heading in the wrong direction, west to Rangiora Airport. A quick turnaround saw us back on track soon turning in to Hayland Road where lambs either side were frolicking in the fields before our stop at the picnic area of Mt Thomas Forest Park.

We set off at 9.50am with the Standard’s plan to reach the top by the most direct route – the Summit Track. We climbed a stile before heading uphill through pine forest. After approximately 20 minutes and having climbed over a large pine tree across the track we reached a logging road. Here in hindsight, we obviously went astray as instead of crossing the road and continuing up an even steeper track we followed the road to our left and found we were heading rapidly downhill into beech forest and losing all our elevation. Thankfully the track did start to rise again to lift our spirits and at 10.25am we stopped for morning tea. At this point one knowledgeable tramper advised we weren’t on the Summit Track. It was agreed we would push on with our current track. Shortly after smoko we reached a signposted junction and learned we had indeed been on the Forest Track and were now joining the Wooded Gully Track. This was mildly concerning as we were aware from Marie-Therese’s pre-tramp website research that there was a DOC warning about a slip on Wooded Gully Track. We hoped it was behind us on the un-walked track.

The beech and podocarp forest with ferns and lots of streams some with bridges is stunning but concentration is required with tree roots and rocks underfoot. The track fools you with steady ascents followed by steep descents so you feel as if progress is minimal. Approximately two thirds of the way up now climbing more rapidly we suddenly came to the very large slip! Two sections of tape across the track had already been broken. Everyone stood in silence for a few seconds before we had a discussion on whether to proceed. I think we all thought we had come too far to go back so voted to continue but not without some trepidation. From where we stood we could see the continuation of the track on the other side. One surefooted tramper had already negotiated the slip via a high route and informed us we could rejoin the track. Being health and safety conscious we chose the lower route, climbing over under and squeezing our bodies between trees to cross the slip and scramble up the bank of clay mud and rocks hoping it wouldn’t give way. With only six men for ten  women we couldn’t expect them to carry us over the slip but they did lend a helping hand to pull us up the bank.

At 13.05pm after the final uphill slog at last we came out of the forest to bright sunshine and 10 minutes later we chose a spot in the tussocks with patches of snow to enjoy a well-deserved lunch. A handsome young deer stalker walked by with his bow and colourful arrows. It was just a brief chat, not even time to get a photo as we were obviously not his target.

Now fully nourished we walked along the ridge with snow melt adding to the very boggy muddy condition of the track. There had been several slides earlier especially when negotiating the slip and one nose dive into the mud on this section but because it wasn’t witnessed no need for any more detail.

The views at the trig were magnificent with the Canterbury Plains one direction and the glistening snow covered Southern Alps in the other. A woman from a group of young friends who had climbed the Summit Track kindly took our photo. She asked about ways to descend as she had seen on the website that the Wooded Gully Track was closed. We were able to inform her the oldies had made it over the slip so they should have no trouble.

It took us 1hr 35mins on the Summit Track to be back at the bus by 15.15pm. An ideal way to descend quickly but all agreed we were pleased we had not stuck with our original plan to go up via the Summit Track when we saw how steep it was.

The Alternates had also hiked up the Wooded Gully Track and had stopped for lunch before the slip.  On their return they had branched off to join the Summit Track back to the bus arriving at 14.30pm.

Back at Bishopdale before 16.30pm after a fantastic day in perfect weather with everyone intact after an unplanned adventure.

Well done Glenys, a good advert for “Girl Power’’.

Txt by Kate

Charteris Bay to Purau 23 August 2023

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Dave B Wendy A Sally Veronica
Alternates Les Leonie Moira Tessa

Distance 12.3km; elevation gain 425m; total time 4hr 40min

An incident free day is a great summary for this early spring walk. The Coastal Cliffs Walkway follows the foreshore between Church Bay, Diamond Harbour and Purau, with harbour views and forms part of the Head to Head Walkway.

Acting President Jen welcomed visitor Linda M for a further outing, noted Basil’s return after an absence, also Eric from his and Margaret’s recent overseas trip. The 43 trampers and driver Viktor gratefully received Bill S’s birthday treat, hands delving into the brown paper bag.

The Coastal Cliffs Walkway site indicates the possibility of small slips and debris across the track with steep cliff edges in places, noting that the track can be slippery. The track was indeed slippery, and muddy, and when the 26 Standards crossed paths with the 17 Alternates at the Diamond Harbour domain there had been a few minor slips. The Standards had walked on inland rural and urban roads via Purau to the lunch spot.

Meantime as the Alternates walked around the coastal track, we idly imagined ourselves in distant places, Italy or Spain. We admired luxurious houses, the wildlife and listened to the bird song. It was a little tricky to be looking at the view, flora, and the properties while keeping a good foothold on the track and maintaining a good conversation. Among the plantings were tall blue spires of echium, euphorbia , tree lucerne, wallflower, geranium, tree aenoium (with the bright cone shaped yellow flowers), South African salt bush, buddleia and the ubiquitous eucalyptus and pine trees.

A large group from the Over Forties tramping club hailed us as we encountered them, covertly took photos of the opposition, though promised these would be made available.

Birdlife that might be heard, or seen, included the grey warbler, pīwakawaka/fantail, welcome swallow, and kererū/wood pigeon. There is also the possibility of spotting a kiwi on an alternate Bayview Road route, albeit a shapely topiary model. (Sightings by some dedicated BTC members who had walked the 14 km three days earlier.)

Following lunch the Standards returned along the coastal track to their pickup point at Charteris Bay. The Alternates carried on for a short time towards Purau, truncating their walk due to time restrictions and the lure of the nearby café/ice cream shop. Before long the Alternates were back at Diamond Harbour, wearing clean footwear, enjoying refreshments and relaxing in the sunshine. But not before one keen walker paced up and down the footpath to ensure that a bare 8km goal had been achieved. As the bus neared Charteris Bay, the Standards were finally sighted, a long line of walkers stretched out along the road, nearing the end of their 12km walk.

We returned to Bishopdale around 1600 hrs, having enjoyed this good day out, appreciating our surroundings and the ability to do our walks, one step at a time. From one tramper’s conversation, “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day…” (Shakespeare, Macbeth)

Text by Marie-Therese

Hinewai Reserve 16 August 2023

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Jan Br Alan H Warren G Ailsa S
Alternates Bruce D Leonie D Ali M Marie-Therese Mc

Alternates’ Distance: 11kms, ascent: approx 500m, time: 5hr

As we gathered at Bishopdale for the trip to Hinewai there were a few blurry eyes from some members due to the 8.00am start. The weather is always a topic of discussion when trampers gather and it was no different today. Were we going to beat the forecasted southerly change due late afternoon? More about the outcome later.

With driver Alan and the Halswell contingent on board the 42 trampers headed out on the two hour journey to Hinewai. In the absence of President Judy, Vice President Jen C acknowledged the resignation of member Eunju, welcomed new member Lynn B, visitor Linda M and guest Kathryn L. The ride to Hinewai has a variety of scenery with farmland, Lakes Ellesmere and Forsyth, the Hilltop, beautiful bays and the steep climb up Long Bay Road making an interesting trip.

Both groups (Standards 26, Alternates 16) set off at 10.20am on the Kereru Track in fine but cool conditions. Once in the native bush we were able to witness the extensive damage that the December 2021 storm had caused. The track was badly damaged and a number of bridges had been washed out. Some repairs had taken place but it is a huge job and will take months to finish. There were a few slips and slides but everyone negotiated the track without injury.

Hinewai is now a 1250 hectare reserve. The initial purchase was by the Maurice White Forest Trust in 1987. It is rich in native trees and we saw some beautiful kahikatea estimated to be 600 years old. The reserve has been looked after by the eccentric Hugh Wilson and his exploits would fill a book. Pest control is an issue in any native reserve and Hinewai has been working hard to control the introduced aliens. Pest control workers were on the track when we walked through. For more info on Hinewai go to:

The two groups arrived at Woodcutters Clearing at the same time after the Standards weren’t able to follow the track to Fantail Falls. Both groups had lunch at Ōtānerito Bay in fine but cool conditions. The Standards were first to leave and the Alternates followed shortly afterwards. The Valley Track hadn’t suffered the same damage and it was an easier 500m ascent to the Visitor Centre and bus.

The Standards were first to arrive back and were safely in the bus when the hailstorm arrived. However, the Alternatives were caught out and had about a 30 minute dash through the storm. Arriving back at the bus we quickly removed coats and boots for the sanctuary of a warm bus.

It had been an eventful day but it was great to return to Hinewai after several years and although a dunking everyone soon warmed up and looked back on another great tramp. Many thanks to Alan our driver, he did a fantastic job ferrying us back to Bishopdale in difficult conditions.

Text by Ray B

Bridle Path-Pony Point-Stan Helms 9 August 2023

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Brent Chris S Cath L Jan M
Alternates Ali Liz S Gary G Moira

Distance 13km; ascent approx 400m, time 4.5hr

On the bus ride Bev again took on the role of president in Judy’s absence.  Bev welcomed returning visitors Lynn B and Stuart C, new visitor Linda M and Mei a guest of Min and Janne. Callum was our driver. On arrival at Heathcote and having connected with trampers who had travelled independently we were 45 strong.

It was another great day’s tramping with sunny skies and no wind. To set the scene, a bit of background about Lyttelton Harbour. The harbour was part of a series of volcanic eruptions about 6 – 11 million years ago (which is about as old as I felt the morning after the tramp), the first occupants were Waitaha followed by Ngāti Māmoe from around 1500 AD. Ngāti Māmoe were in turn followed by Ngāi Tahu in the 18th century. Banks Peninsula was spotted by Captain Cook and his crew in HMS Endeavour in 1770 (who thought it was an island). The first European inhabitants were probably sealers visiting at the beginning of the 1800s. The first four ships arrived at the end of 1850, while amazingly, the Lyttelton rail tunnel was opened only 17 years later in 1867.  The road tunnel following 97 years after. (

A little known fact about Lyttelton Harbour was the sinking of the fishing boat “Dolphin” in the early days of WW II by the harbour’s shore battery defences. The situation leading to the sinking was as shambolic as it was tragic. The shore battery staff saying the boat had ignored their signal to stop while the fishing boat survivor saying they saw no signals that were addressed to them. The “warning shot” from the shore battery hit the fishing boat sinking it, and mortally wounding the skipper. (

In terms of the tramp, it was quite a work-out. In effect it was up and over the Bridle Path twice. As ever, different people handled it in different ways. For instance above the rattle of my lungs gasping for oxygen, I could hear other trampers chatting away merrily. Clearly not at all stressed by the stroll. The other “hot” topic of conversation was about the set of legs on one of the males wearing shorts. The owner thinking they were best described as “gorgeous”! I should hasten to add that not everyone else agreed. However, this still lead to one of the younger ladies fantasising that he was probably wearing blue and white striped “Speedos”. Fortunately at that stage the group spotted someone swimming in the sea and this cooled the conversation down no end.

The Latest Carving at Pony Point Gorgeous Legs..?

All in all an excellent tramp which was well organised and led. With a special thank you to the Weather Team who got it right again.

Text by Bill S

PMH – Huntsbury 26 July 2023

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail-ender
Standards Dave R Chris Bev Jen
Alternates Ali Liz S Joanne Min

Distance 14.6km; elevation gain 600m; time 3hr 45min

Having volunteered to be diary writer this week and with the change of tramp, I’m semi repeating the same role as a year ago, albeit that ending was Bowenvale. It was tempting to simply provide reference to the 2022 effort. However a different combination of people and stories plus avoiding temptation has necessitated a rehash (and some different history). The earlier report contains information about the Cashmere Caverns.

“The Port Hills of Christchurch” (Gordon Ogilvie, 1978) has an outstanding record of this area and is available at the Christchurch Library. is another source of maps from the 1870s which shows the urbanization of the Port Hills over the decades.

43 hardy trampers (visitors Frank, Jonathan, Lynn and Stuart) set out into the cold, windy SW morning. It was a very good call by the weather team as the writer’s night had been spent checking for a cancellation email. The early characters of Christchurch climbed along a Māori trail to the saddle known as Pukeatua. The trail then cut downwards to Governor’s Bay through the property of local farmer John Dyer, who assisted with feeding the surveyors and engineers, and giving advice to the Provincial Government. Mr Dyer was rewarded by having the route named after him. Today after Viktor deposited us at Princess Margaret Hospital 24 Standards set off like a pack of unleashed greyhounds, while 19 Alternates followed the Trip Notes at a slower pace, up, down and along a series of streets and tracks.

Hats, gloves and parkas were shuffled about through the day to cater for the exposed areas. Fortunately as the clouds, kilometres and time passed, it became almost pleasant in the sunshine, especially when out of the wind. Alternates stopped for morning tea at Cracroft Lookout with views to the distant snow covered Southern Alps. Unfortunately Norma’s merino beanie was whisked away by the wind, into the treetops below the lookout. Norma continued stoically on, eschewing all offers of alternate headwear. Standards continued a bit higher for their first break.

An executive decision was made by Alternates’ Leader and Mentor to avoid a potentially muddy area of Harry Ell Track by walking a section of the road to Latters Spur. This deviation saw many of us for the first time, briefly passing the Memorial to the 19th Infantry Battalion and Armoured Regiment (1939-45), honouring the memory of those who died. Among other places the 19th served in Greece, Crete, North Africa and Italy.

Later as the Alternates sat lunching, nestled in the lee of the hill, the Standards were spotted descending the tussocks on a knobby hill below Sugarloaf. By this time almost everybody was a bit mud splattered – boots, legs or overtrousers.

There were also a couple of attempts to sabotage the tramp. The Standards told of being led onto a boggy trail which in turn became a muddy, steep track. This saw several people including Jaki and Janne coming to grief, slip sliding away, with a later disclosure of muddy bottoms and how long it took for undergarments to dry out. The Alternates’ Leaders were challenged by Ray who was pretty sure that the Huntsbury Track went down a more distant ridge below Mt Vernon. Fortunately Ray conceded that his recall of the route related to a different tramp.

The final push down Huntsbury Avenue to the waiting bus saw the Alternates arrive about 1330 hrs, closely followed by the Standards. A quick change to clean footwear, with most walkers opting for the short downhill walk to the Brickworks Tavern for refreshments ended this unexpectedly enjoyable winter outing on the Port Hills.

Text by Marie-Therese

Leith Hill 19 July 2023

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail-ender
Standards Tony Warren Janice Wendy
Alternates Nola Lynley Ali Soo

Distance 10.2km; elevation gain 873m; time 3hr 45min

Wednesday’s trip was enjoyed by 40 trampers, including four visitors Jonathan, Stuart, Frank and Lynn, and guest Mei Tan. We were looking forward to what many members consider their favourite hike – not too long or high, including a variety of terrain and scenery and with the expectation of great views over Castle Hill Village and beyond, at our lunch stop. Allie, the baker of our fabulous club birthday cake, had individually wrapped pieces for us to enjoy on the trip and these were passed around the bus with much oohing  and aahing. Thank you Allie.

Arriving at our destination we quickly assembled into our two groups and set off by 10.20. The beginning of the walk is along the Hogsback Track and having walked this twice already this year its familiarity led to the Standards overshooting the left turn onto the Water Intake Track. There were those familiar enough with the route and actually paying attention to reel in those at the front, and not too much extra ground had to be retraced.

As always the chatter is interesting and on this occasion the focus was on the ChatGPT app and what sort of write-up it would produce were it utilised for the trip report. (As you read on you can decide – artificial intelligence or just sub-intelligence on display here). Those within earshot were surprised to hear that one of our members, a cheery fellow and seemingly in good health, had provided very minimal details and asked the app to write his obituary. He professed to be delighted with the outcome! At morning tea this week’s diarist discovered that she had failed to bring something to write with, which was okay because she also had nothing to write on. At this point the decision was made that if it turned out at the end of the day that the trifecta had come in with nothing to write with, on, or about then perhaps AI was a good option.

A number of walkers remarked on the birdsong which was abundant throughout the bush. What a great sign that the pest control is working. Breaking out above the tree line we could see ‘the slump’ not too far away and as we got closer, our Alternates came into focus enjoying their lunch stop.  Unsure whether they had taken a different route, or we had lost more time than we thought, Nola had her team up and off not long after we joined them. Those who completed this tramp the previous year reminisced about the vastly different conditions and how in 2022 they had been lunching in snow at this point. Apparently errant belongings having to be chased down the slope, and makeshift toboggans had provided good entertainment.

Setting off for the second part of the day highlighted the ‘walk of two halves’ nature of this outing. Out in the open but with slippery vegetation under foot and plenty of matagouri to punish those in shorts and short sleeves, care was required. The standards were soon spread out as the track disappeared and everyone charted their own course down the hill. Two fences had to be negotiated and as always someone produced a cover for the barbed wire allowing a safe crossing. On this occasion one of our group noticed the sagging nature of the No 8 wires elsewhere and slipping through this way turned out to be a better option. NB it is advisable to remove one’s pack before attempting this manoeuvre. However, not doing so does provide much amusement for the bystanders.

Circling around the back of Kura Tawhiti one cannot help but be impressed by these magnificent limestone formations. Were any of us thus motivated to take up rock climbing? I suspect not.

Kura Tawhiti means “The treasure from a distant land” and is an allusion to kumara cultivation in the area. Most of us associate the word kura with the word for school, but knowing now that as well as knowledge it also means treasure, it makes sense. Just before the car park, were three pou (carved posts) accompanied by excellent explanations of their meaning, and the significance of this area to Ngāi Tahu. Well worth studying.

Arriving at the bus, we rejoined the Alternates. Several of them commented on Nola’s leadership and what a great job she’d done. A big thank you to Nola and everyone else who assumed roles for this hike. Once Allan had us underway, came the moment of truth. Those of the personality type able to postpone gratification, carefully unwrapped their cake sausage, much to the envy of those who had consumed theirs at the beginning of the day. Fortunately, President Jude announced there would be time for refreshments at Darfield which was welcomed by all. With many members embarking on travels it was Jude’s turn to be farewelled as she’s off to visit family on the other side of the world. We look forward to your safe return, and tales of your adventures, Jude.

Text by Jan Bw

Halswell Quarry – Sign of the Takahe 12 July 2023

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Chris S Lynne R Brent Ailsa
Alternates Ali Ray Kay Tessa

Distance 14.75km; elevation gain 583m; time 4hr 30min

After two weeks of no tramping due to a weather cancellation and the birthday lunch 41 eager trampers joined bus driver Alan. There was one guest Mei (with Min) and four new visitors which was pleasing to see, Jonathan B, Stuart C, Frank W & Barb H.

When I volunteered for the diary this week the tramp was originally “The Doctors” and I surmised that if the Weather Team got it wrong (a rare occurrence) we could spend the day at the Pyramid Valley Vineyard. I had done some research in preparation to see what I might sample with names like Field of Fire and Lion’s Tooth chardonnay and Earth Smoke and Angel Flower pinot noir. Each wine in this Botanicals Selection depicts an artwork with the print of a pressed flower endemic to the vineyard and garden.

Sadly, this was no longer an option as instead we are at Halswell Quarry.  Tony had generously provided a bag of chocolate goodies to hand around on the bus to celebrate a birthday ending in 5 with a larger number involved. I felt as if I had already travelled far with Marie-Therese giving me the magnificent book she had created of her recent Portuguese Camino trip filled with stunning photos and text to capture her journey.

The forecast for today had been for norwest winds so many had pictured a warm blowout in the Port Hills but that changed to strong southerlies and showers by mid-morning.

At 9.30am like the British Army we are promptly off and away heading up hill for the long steady climb to the Summit Road on Kennedys Bush Track. A musical chorus of bellbirds keeps our spirits high as we hike through the gum forest. We expected mud and were not disappointed. By 10.30am some rain had arrived and the full force of the southerly had kicked in which meant some of the lightweights could have been lost but all were accounted for at the end of the day.

The Standards decided to combine morning tea with an early lunch at 11.15am at the Sign of the Bellbird so we could shelter within the walls of the roadhouse. I hear the Alternates did partake of morning tea but it was a very brief affair mainly standing up. Ray, being the thoughtful man that he is, offered to go back when the wind was at its strongest with anyone who chose but there were no takers. The Alternates blew in to the Bellbird just 15 minutes later having chosen after reaching Summit Road to follow the road to avoid some of that glorious mud.

Across the road from the Bellbird is the recently opened John Jameson Lookout. The platform provides magnificent views over Lyttelton Harbour (not so much today) and features a new carpark, a low wall of Port Hills stone and panoramic panels pointing at significant places. John is the grandson of Harry Ell and a Life Member of the Summit Road Society.

There is a striking Pou Whenua carved by Ngāti Wheke carver Caine Tauwhare to mark this spot as a place of significance for Māori.

We coincided with a large team of motorcyclists having a blast on the Summit Road so as we joined Ellas Track to take us to the Sign of the Kiwi we had the throaty roar of them all departing. We were old hands at the mud by now but were more cautious on the slippery rock sections.

The Standards continued on Harry Ell Track to the Sign of the Takahe arriving at 13.55pm and were pleased to see the opening hours were 9 – 3pm and a hot coffee might be possible before the “Leopard” arrived. No response at that door so as we could see people inside around we went to the garden to try the other door. A staff member informed us they were taking no more orders as a staff meeting was scheduled for 2.30pm. Secretly, I think he had seen the mud on our boots and thought on his feet. To hide our extreme disappointment we spent some time photographing the gorgeous winter roses that were putting on a show. In five minutes the “Leopard” had arrived and thoughts turned to home and cleaning our boots.

Once on the bus the rain began again. We had been so fortunate to only encounter it for a short time. Good call Weather Team.

Text by Kate

Little River – Birdlings Flat 21 June 2023

                        Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Wendy Dave B Kate W Cath L
Alternates Ray B Norma Ali Marie-Therese

Distance 16 km, elevation gain 617 m, time 4 hrs 15 mins

Remember when the late Dame Edna Everidge used to describe things as ‘spooky’ – not meaning in a supernatural way, but just a little strange? Well, Possums, today’s tramp had some very spooky elements.

Things started off more or less mundanely, 49 trampers including regular visitor Megan T, on a bus heading towards Little River – unless you include visitations by spectres from the past: Jenny, Les and Kay, whom we hadn’t seen for quite a while.

The first real sign of other worldliness was the eerie fog which enveloped our bus, and it was also just a little creepy passing the spot of that horrific accident we encountered earlier this year heading to Okuti Valley-French Pass. The fog was all encompassing, shutting out the real world and decapitating the hills above Lake Forsyth.

Our 30 Standards fearlessly set off on the tar sealed road near Little River, all the way up to Basso Road. The Alternates however were able to avoid this hard uphill slog, being magically transported up to Basso Road and straight away beginning their descent into the netherworld.

It was odd walking along, with the world below us devoid of landmarks under the dacron fog. It got even weirder after morning tea when we turned a corner to find ourselves suddenly in an alternate universe of blue sky and feeble sunshine. Too soon we were enveloped back into the mist, as we made our way downhill before finding the least chilly spot for lunch. Under the towering pines was best – out of the beastly wind, but no view (not really a problem as we hadn’t seen anything other than ourselves and that blanket of fog all morning!).

Some excellent photographs were taken of eerie figures levitating in the mist, but even better were ones of the myriad of ethereal spider-webs we saw, lovely gossamer threads embellished with delicate droplets.

The Alternates faced an uncanny sight as an apparition floated in the mist towards them, before it transformed itself into the more earthly form of bus driver Victor.

Our Standards group began to stretch out along the shingle road, then the dramatic sight of Birdlings Flat loomed in the distance when moments before there had only been fog. Walking down the last hill did nothing to dispel any notions of unworldliness – let’s face it, Birdlings Flat really is a rather bizarre place. There’s the almost lunar terrain covered in those curiously rounded stones we had to traverse as we made our way towards the quirky little settlement. And as Kate wrote in her trip report in 2020, if she were ever to write a crime novel, then Birdlings Flat would be the perfect setting, with all the fascinating characters who reside there.

We re-entered the real world as we made our way home, and after a stop-off at Tai Tapu, everything was totally normal again. Earlier in the day we had entered a mysterious realm, but none of us had been lost forever in it, and we even made it back to Bishopdale safely before dark. Not so spooky after all.

Text by Shirley

Mt Richardson 14 June 2023

                        Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Brent Alan H Jan Br Shirley
Alternates Les G Norma Ali Marg E

Distance 19km, ascent 660m, time 5 hrs

Another great day’s tramping with sunny skies and no wind. There were 35 trampers including visitors Judy S, Graham W and Neil M. Our bus driver was Viktor. The action started at Loburn Reserve (our comfort stop) where a woman was exercising a dog which was pulling a small parachute. The object of the parachute is unknown but it could have been to slow the dog down. This certainly seemed to work!

At the beginning of the tramp, I wished I had been as sensible as my wife, who was safely at home. And let’s be fair, any tramp which follows the “Blowhard ” and “Bypass” tracks is clearly worth considering carefully. On realising my mistake, I needed something to take my mind off it.

This led me to thinking about how the Club was organised and the people who carry out the various functions. Almost immediately I felt cheered up by the realisation that the Club has “good organisational bones”. And, just as importantly, the people who carry out the functions do so well and conscientiously. This is very comforting as you are unlikely to get badly lost. There is also that wonderful thing called a Personal Locator Beacon (PBL) which means, if needs must, you can be airlifted out at virtually a moment’s notice. And then there is the bus. The bus is a great idea as not only have the drivers been uniformly excellent but we can drive to one location and get picked up at another. This extends our range of walks substantially, which is one of the reasons why we have over 80 tramps to choose from. The bus trip is also a good way to judge the mood of fellow trampers. Usually there is lots of chatter on the bus in the morning. In the afternoon, especially after a hard tramp, the noise is much more subdued, more akin to a gentle purring.

But back to the tramp – the numerous beech trees in the area are an excellent source of honeydew. Honeydew is formed when a sap sucking insect taps into the tree and any excess sap is anally excreted. It is this rich mixture of sugars which is responsible for the black fungus growing on the beech trees. Honeydew is also favoured by bees and wasps. In the case of the latter this can mean very large nests as the food source is available for much of the year. Honeydew honey is also very yummy if you don’t think too much about its origins.

Along with the great weather, the walking was made even better by the strong bellbird chorus serenading the participants. Speaking of serenading, I have it on good authority the Standards women are going to sing a song at the top of the next Mount tramp. Apparently, this will be responded to by the Standards men on the following Mount tramp.

Text by Bill S

Tree Planting Urumau Reserve 7 June 2023

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Alan H Chris S Janice Ailsa

A misty morning greeted us for our Port Hills tree planting excursion. After a pick-up at PMH we were 38 strong including visitors Mark and Graham. The mist cleared as Callum drove us across the city and we ate home cooked biscuits kindly provided by Eunju. It was 9.35am when we disembarked at the top of the Eastenders Track. A short walk later and we were being instructed by the CCC team on on how to plant the trees provided (several coprosma species, flax, totara, mingimingi, muehlenbeckia and more) and then armed with gloves and shovels, we were off! Wintry it was but the sea view was glorious and there was a magpie or two to serenade us while we planted our allocation of 400 trees. We were done at 11.30am, many of us much muddier, and with no morning tea break grateful again for Eunjus’s baking.

A further short walk up the hill and we were lunching at 11.50am in the lee of the hill. The air temperature was cool and no one was keen to linger over lunch. We were on our way, walking in one group, at 12.20pm. Underfoot was wet and slippery. Shortly after we began our descent one of our number fell hard on a slab of rock. Jan Br and Tailender Ailsa opted to accompany the injured tramper back to the road where they were picked up by car.

The track down the ridge is a scramble and steep and had greasy footing in places. Leader Alan’s verbal cautions and outstretched hands in support were much appreciated. Urumau Reserve is lovely, with a few  kōwhai flowers still on the trees.  Once in Lyttelton Alan advised the now 35 of us that a visit to the Timeball Station was an option and there was time for icecream, coffee, the pub. We would meet back at the bus at 3.00pm, by which time Jan Br and Ailsa – now descending the ridge – would have had time to rejoin us. 35 became 32 when stand-in Tailender Jen neglected to advise the Leader that three trampers were scampering off for coffees.

Happily, and following an apology to the Leader for being a neglectful Tailender, when we gathered at the bus we were 37. Subsequent communications revealed that our injured tramper had fractured a tibia, ouch, and now had four ankle pins and a cast for six weeks.  We wish them a swift recovery.

For the most part, a productive day.

Text by Jen