Pony Point to Barnett Park 2 November 2022


Group Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Peter Steve B Kay Sally
Alternates Liz Swallow Leonie Gary G Moira

Stats: distance 13.2 km, elevation gain 583 m, time 4 hrs 30 mins

We left on the bus from the Bishopdale pickup at 8.30am. Our bus driver for the day was Keith.  Once we had picked up the rest of our trampers at Barnett Park we had a total of 48, including one visitor, David. This was more than recent tramps and it was great to see such a good turnout. The bus continued to Pony Point and dropped off the Standards (who numbered 30) at 9.30am.

The weather was warm and overcast with a northwest wind as we set off. After a comfort stop at the very well-maintained facilities at Cass Bay we made our way to the Lyttelton waterfront where we had morning tea.  It was sad to see on our walk to Lyttelton that there were a lot of polluted water signs dotted around Cass Bay warning people to keep out of the water.

After morning tea we set off upwards through the streets of Lyttelton eventually arriving at the start of the Major Hornbrook Track. Passing the Alternates on the way up and tackling a series of daunting steps we made it to the Summit Road at 12.05pm and had lunch under a rocky outcrop. We were quite sheltered and the sun popped in and out of the clouds every so often. Peter won the sandwich competition in our group but had some very close contenders.

The views across Pegasus Bay to the mountains were amazing, with the sea coloured various stunning shades of blue. You could tell there was very heavy rainfall happening on the West Coast. The wind was quite strong and gusty when we first reached the Summit Road but died away after lunch as we walked round past the aerials on the top of Mt Pleasant and on down to the Eastenders Track.  When the sun came out it was very warm.  Descending the Eastenders Track to Barnett Park where the bus was waiting we again passed the Alternates. Various other walkers that we met during the day were quite overcome with the size of our tramping group as they stood to the side in awe while we filed past. We arrived back at Bishopdale at 3.00pm after a very enjoyable day. Text by Judy R

After dropping the Standards at Pony Point, our bus driver continued onwards to Rapaki for a turning bay. We 18 alternates imagined that the Standards would not be within cooee, but as we drove back to Corsair Bay drop off point, the Standards were spied making good progress along the coastal track.

The popular walking track to Lyttelton was left behind as we took to the streets for our morning tea stop at Three-Piece Suite Reserve. A much appreciated break, unfortunately one or two were shy of their muffins which had been left at home. We were able to enjoy people, property and port watching as we soon resumed our stride to Major Hornbrook Track. Other walkers were encountered, many having changed plans to avoid the inclement weather in the mountains.

The front of our pack herded several quail along Harmans Road. What to call this collection of birds? A quintet of quail was suggested, or as the more visually able were able to count six in number, maybe a sextet. Google informs that the collective noun for such a group is “A bevy or covey of quails”.

Tailender Moira was kept busy counting the group, a big responsibility when the upward grind towards the Summit Road started impacting on the speed of walkers and one of the Standards joined the group. As usual the spirit of the club was to the fore, we were more than an amble of walkers, with encouragement and some double packing briefly undertaken. Lunch was enjoyed in the sunshine below the Summit Road. Our route continued along a section of the Summit Road below Mt Pleasant, before the descent on the sun baked Eastenders Track to Barnett Park. Text by Marie-Therese