Peak Hill 9 March 2022

Group Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Dave R Warren Nicky Veronica
Alternates Ray Alan H Liz Linley T

Standards: Distance9.5km, Elevation Gain: 650m, Time: 4hrs 20mins
Alternatives: Distance: 7.69km, Elevation Gain, 364m, Time, 4hrs 17min

A gorgeous day opened up as the bus of 42 (including 4 visitors: Tony, Daphne, Hetty and Pip) with new driver Dave arrived at Peak Hill D.O.C. track.

Seventeen standards headed off up Peak Hill Track initially lead by Chris, who kept us at a cracking pace until we stopped for morning tea just under the first ridge.  We gazed out at the beauty of the land below – the Braided Rakaia below us and Lake Coleridge to the left with farmland woven along the base of staunch rounded hills and peaks.

After morning tea Dave R. took over the lead as Chris was feeling a bit knackered and decided to make his way slowly back down to the bus (probably the result of that steep climb at the beginning and some new meds).  [He quite enjoyed the superb east/west views from half-way down the slope while having a very leisurely lunch, getting back to the bus not long before the Alternates. President Jan did remind him of the by-laws and the need for someone to accompany him; but he did not want to hold people up or spoil somebody else’s day.]  

Dave led us upwards over several humps, each deceivingly suggesting we were arriving at the top. Finally, a group of stones greeted us at the top.  After a photo we settled down for lunch looking up towards the mountains, some with a little snow. The sun was shining and there was a slight breeze.  What a picture-perfect view of braided rivers, humpy hills, faraway mountains of the Main Divide and green manicured valleys.  Stunning!!!

After lunch we headed over the hill and lined up with an old fence that went straight downhill towards Mt. Oakden.  Low scrub, matagouri and Spaniards mingled with gentians were scattered around us.  Alan H. (who had been trimming the lower track for the Alternates) came up to meet us and guided us to the corner where we met the track. This lower track was a mixture of bracken, muddy areas, slips, stumps and holes.  We had to watch our feet all the time.  

We arrived at the bus soon after the Alternates. A very pleasant day. 

Txt by Nicky