Sumner-Taylors Mistake-Godley Head-Evans Pass 6 October 2021


  Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Warren Wendy Judy Ailsa
Alternates Norma Nick Margaret S Eric

Distance Stds/Alts: 14kms Time Walking: 4hrs 15mins   Elevation: Max Alt 328m Min Alt 20m

The prospect of a dull and cloudy day with a cool easterly wind and light rain forecast for the afternoon had the weather team thinking but finally they decided that tramping was ‘on’. In murky drizzly weather we set off on the bus from Bishopdale with new driver, Renju and headed to Scarborough Beach. President Jan welcomed everybody and advised the leaders for the day and also welcomed two visitors.

49 trampers gathered at the clock tower – 30 in the standard group and 19 in the alternative group. The standards set off up the Flowers Track to Nicholson Park before heading down the coastal track to Taylors Mistake. This track provided sea views and a brisk breeze to blow the cobwebs away. As it was low tide, we were able to walk along the beach to our welcome morning tea break at Taylors’s Mistake before heading up the track towards Godley Head. With the Godley Head area being closed off for asbestos removal, we turned right at Taylor Battery towards Scott’s Cabin.

Chris called for a group photo at Scott’s Cabin and leader Warren briefly outlined its history. The 3 m x 4 m hut was built in England and taken to Antarctica in 1911 on Captain Scott’s ship the SS Terra Nova.  It was to be used by the polar expedition’s meteorologist but as he was unable to make the journey, the hut was never used.  After Scott’s party died during their return from the Pole in January 1912, the hut was brought back to Lyttelton and eventually erected in a property on Clifton Hill.  Over the years it was used by many people connected with Scott (including Scott’s wife) until the February 2011 earthquake left it marooned in a hazardous zone and facing demolition.  The then owners vested the hut with DOC and in 2013 it was moved to its present location near Godley Head.

Following an early lunch in cool conditions at the Godley Head picnic area, the standard group headed off towards Evans Pass on the Crater Rim Walkway.  As we skirted Lyttelton Harbour in very cloudy weather, we had only intermittent views of the harbour to our left as the cloud came and went.  One member commented that the misty atmosphere and the bleating of unseen sheep reminded her of walking the hills in Scotland.  After a longish walk along the tops which was sometimes a bit rough and slippery we arrived at Evans Pass with no mishaps and were pleased to see the bus arrive about the same time.

Driver Renju took us back to the Scarborough clock tower where we had a short wait for the alternative group who came back via Taylor’s Mistake.  President Jan decreed we would have half an hour to wander around Sumner and we arrived back at Bishopdale at 3.45 pm just as the rain began.  Well done to the Weather Team who made the right call for our refreshing day in the hills! Txt by Janice and Warren

An Alternative View by Nick Atkins:

“Flowers Track’s hairpin corners were negotiated with Lewis Hamilton precision. On arriving at the top, we were faced by a new track, well since the earthquake down to the cliff track, a pleasant change. A quick stop at Taylor’s Mistake then onward to Godley Head following the detour instructions to the letter for lunch. Topics of conversation included fish recipes, covid, three waters, immigration to NZ, vaccines etc so time passed quickly. Coming home we decided to walk up the road from Taylor’s Mistake’ for a change of scenery followed by a very rapid descent to the bus. Ably led by Norma and her team we had two ascents and three descents convincing every one that we walked further than our fitter colleagues.”