Wilding Pine Eradication Day Wednesday 9 October 2019

Hi People

Thank you to the trampers who have already volunteered for our free bus, wilding pines eradication day this year.  There are still a number of spaces to fill so let Peter know if you are able to help. The designated area is alongside SH 73, on the right looking back towards Parapet Rock.  Wildings are dotted throughout the area extending from the roadside, over the fence and sloping up to the higher scrubby ridge.  Most are small to hip-high but also look out for the really tiny ones.  

Use Safe practices at all times please – especially when crossing and working alongside SH 73.

Each person will need the usual gear for a day tramp plus:

  • gardening gloves
  • optional knee pads/kneeler/hi vis vest
  • extra snack food/hydration
  • spare socks for after (the ground is boggy in places)
  • if you can bring your own tools such as:  short loppers, sharp knife, pruning saw, small axe or secateurs, that would be appreciated and help augment the supplied gear. [be safe with using these sharp tools please]

Format for the day will be as follows:

  • arrive on site.  Bus will park and packs can be left.
  • take anything you might need for the day (jacket, drink bottle, energy snacks, inhaler, tools, gloves etc) with you. [maybe in waist pack]
  • decide on a “group” to join. (flat-roadside [Ian]/ middle [Bruce]/ sloping scrubline [Alan]).  The idea is for us to have an even spread of people extended over the site and work in a line where possible. [i.e. approx. 10 per group].
  • get tools (saw/loppers) and a safety vest
  • gather for short demo 
  • morning tea at the bus
  • proceed to chosen areas and start.
  • Lunch back at bus 12.30
  • depending on progress, the bus can move to the next safe parking area as we proceed.  
  • Finish time approx. 2 – 3pm.
  • Refreshment stop at Springfield or Darfield as decided.

Again, many thanks for your support.

Pines Team