Kate Valley – Tirimoana 21 August 2024

Leader Mentor Tail ender
Standards  Peter M Lynne R Jan Bw
Alternates Ray Ali Les H

Distance: 11kms (Alternates) 13.4kms (Standards)   Time: 4 hrs 15 mins.   Elevation: 429m

Shortly after bus driver, Alan, left Bishopdale there was mutual excitement as we passed two club members waiting for their airport bus, bound for different adventures. There were 38 trampers including visitor David C, and Jim, a guest of Joanne.

Mystery surrounds some names on today’s walk in North Canterbury. Who were Barbara, Ella and Kate, of Lookout, Peak, and Pond fame? Research has failed to identify the trio, enquiries with Transwaste are ongoing.

After a seemingly brief walk downhill, the 17 Alternates caught up with the 21 Standards who had stopped for morning tea. Belatedly the few Alternates stragglers realised that they were, in fact, continuing on a further distance.

The track descended to the wetland area, bypassing Kate Pond. Very soon Alternates spotted a pile of abandoned packs, guarded by a pair of reclining minders. From the junction Standards had begun their extra 3 km return to Ella Peak sans packs.

Everyone trooped on, enjoying the spectacular views of Pegasus Bay, Motunau Island and Banks Peninsula. One of the Alternates offered a credible explanation of the “kissing gate” through which we individually squeezed, like sheep being drafted. A member then disclosed that it was her 53rd wedding anniversary, with resultant questioning as to who might have sustained a longer marriage. Well done those with the big numbers!

Some 20 minutes after the Alternates, the Standards arrived at the beach lunch stop at 1220 hrs. From there it was a steady uphill return in the sunshine, through plantation forest and on road to the bus. Both groups arrived back simultaneously at 1410 hrs.

Sights seen during the day – a diminutive mermaid (Amberley toilets), two honking geese (Kate Stream), an amorous couple (on a ridge above the beach) and a snowman – ah, seen closer, it’s not a snowman, it’s the trig on Ella Peak.

In the fashion stakes the Standard’s leader’s peaked cap drew admiration, a purchase from somewhere along the Rhine. Therein lay another story. With the 1410hr arrival at the bus, time allowed for a refreshment stop at Amberley, continuing the day’s companionship and laughter.

Text by Marie-Therese