Pony Point to Barnett Park – 28 February 2024

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Chris S Wendy A Chris H Brent
Alternates Ali Jan B Michele S Stuart C

Distance: 13km                                                         Elevation gain: 580m                                  Time: 4hrs 30 mins

Today’s walk was a day with mist and wind making for a cooler start as we set out, 44 walkers in total. Four members had been collected at Barnett Park, our scheduled end destination. Our driver Viktor deposited 27 Standards at Pony Point and the further 17 Alternates a little closer towards Lyttelton, whereupon Shanks’ pony became the order of the day. Throughout the day there was a good deal of rearranging attire to suit the conditions.

Alternates made way for Standards as they, too, arrived at Three Piece Suite Reserve for the morning tea stop. Alternates closely followed by Standards, all then carefully followed the mapped route to the start of the track proper. Frequent cries of “Car” sounded out as we headed upward through the narrow Lyttelton streets.

While climbing the many steep steps of Major Hornbrook Track, a descending quartet enquired who we might be. The quick, straight-faced response was that we were passengers from the cruise ship Queen Victoria currently in port, dominating the Lyttelton terminal. There was surprised admiration from the walkers until one more reliable member admitted that we were actually from BTC.

Still further up the hill one member observed that it was a little easier walking along a graded uphill track than ascending steps. That’s because there is a cadence to the walking, was a considered viewpoint. A cautionary sign warned us to move quickly through the potential rock fall area. Picking up the pace was easier said than done, more of a keeping on going and getting to the top, good rhythm or otherwise. Both groups eventually achieved the Summit Road whereupon walkers draped themselves beside flax bushes, leeside of wind and mist, and enjoyed their lunch.

Standards soon disappeared from view into the mist, with speculation by Alternates as to where they might be. Mystifyingly the Standards loomed out of the mist behind the Alternates, having been on a loop track to the gun emplacements. Though with lack of visibility they, too, could have told the Alternates another tall tale. It was pretty much downhill at that point – via the Eastenders Track to Barnett Park and sunshine.

Everyone was back at the waiting bus around 1430 hrs. With the early finish we were then able to conclude the day with refreshments at The Valley Inn Tavern before the drive back across the city.

Listed diary volunteer Jen who had been unable to tramp due to a bee sting incident suggested the inclusion of a random pony fact. So for what it’s worth, and because the question was once posed… How high can a Shetland Pony jump? According to Google these ponies can jump about a meter.

In summary, another good day of exercise, encouragement, good leadership, laughter and conversation, albeit with little view from the vicinity of Summit Road.

Text by Marie-Therese