Tiromoana/Kate Valley 11 Jan 2023

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Peter Tony Bev Ailsa
Alternates Norma Ali Gary G Tessa

Distance (approx)12km; duration 4hrs 25min; vertical ascent 424m

The first tramp of a new year 23 trampers and our driver Alan gathered at Bishopdale. This including two visitors Les (his third tramp with us) and Brent. We left a little early allowing us to pick up our final tramper (President Bev) at Woodend, stop for a necessary break at Amberley, and arrive at the tramp car park by 9:40.

As usual, the Standards left first with their hearty group of 11; the 13 Alternates followed shortly thereafter. For those who have never done this tramp, the bus parks at the top of a hill and we tramp down to the beach where we have lunch and then return. It’s a lovely and well-marked trail, albeit with the ascension/descension parts reversed from most of our tramps.

Transwaste Canterbury operates the Kate Valley Landfill adjacent to the Bush area. It funds the conservation project with the goal to regenerate a 407-hectare lowland native forest at Tiromoana Bush through which we tramp. This link contains pictures of Kate Valley in 2004 and 2019; Kate-Valley.jpg (720×1040) (transwastecanterbury.co.nz) The changes are obvious.

The weather was drizzly, and most donned rain jackets and sweaters before starting off.  The Alternates caught up with the Standards at the designated morning tea spot, neither group staying all too long with the drizzle. The Tiromoana Bush Track is truly undulating which keeps the legs in good working order. The route taken by the Alternates can be seen on the map from the following link (from car park to 2, left to the toilet symbol and then down to 9, 8, Te Ara Kanuka track to 6, 5, and finally 4): Tiromoana Bush Walkway – Transwaste (transwastecanterbury.co.nz).

The Standards took the same route except they continued past Te Ara Kanuka cutoff to Ella Peak. They dropped their packs at the turnoff for the 30-minute return side trail described as “not easy due to some steep parts but the view from the top across the Canterbury Bight to the Port Hills makes it worthwhile”. (Peter Moore)

The Alternates arrived at the beach at 11:50 after crossing a small stream four times. The Standards arrived just as the Alternates began their journey back up to the bus. Some discussion was had whether the return should be via the road (shorter but steeper and shown as the northernmost branch of the Track on the map above) or whether we should retrace our tracks and then taking Te Ara Tawhal track which would have been longer but not as steep. The decision was to do the former leading to the Alternates reaching the bus by 2; the Standards arrived shortly thereafter.

Due to dampness, we did not stop at Amberley, but headed back to Bishopdale after another good day’s tramp.

Text by Michele S