Hinewai Reserve 16 August 2023

Leader Mentor Understudy Tail Ender
Standards Jan Br Alan H Warren G Ailsa S
Alternates Bruce D Leonie D Ali M Marie-Therese Mc

Alternates’ Distance: 11kms, ascent: approx 500m, time: 5hr

As we gathered at Bishopdale for the trip to Hinewai there were a few blurry eyes from some members due to the 8.00am start. The weather is always a topic of discussion when trampers gather and it was no different today. Were we going to beat the forecasted southerly change due late afternoon? More about the outcome later.

With driver Alan and the Halswell contingent on board the 42 trampers headed out on the two hour journey to Hinewai. In the absence of President Judy, Vice President Jen C acknowledged the resignation of member Eunju, welcomed new member Lynn B, visitor Linda M and guest Kathryn L. The ride to Hinewai has a variety of scenery with farmland, Lakes Ellesmere and Forsyth, the Hilltop, beautiful bays and the steep climb up Long Bay Road making an interesting trip.

Both groups (Standards 26, Alternates 16) set off at 10.20am on the Kereru Track in fine but cool conditions. Once in the native bush we were able to witness the extensive damage that the December 2021 storm had caused. The track was badly damaged and a number of bridges had been washed out. Some repairs had taken place but it is a huge job and will take months to finish. There were a few slips and slides but everyone negotiated the track without injury.

Hinewai is now a 1250 hectare reserve. The initial purchase was by the Maurice White Forest Trust in 1987. It is rich in native trees and we saw some beautiful kahikatea estimated to be 600 years old. The reserve has been looked after by the eccentric Hugh Wilson and his exploits would fill a book. Pest control is an issue in any native reserve and Hinewai has been working hard to control the introduced aliens. Pest control workers were on the track when we walked through. For more info on Hinewai go to:   www.hinewai.org.nz

The two groups arrived at Woodcutters Clearing at the same time after the Standards weren’t able to follow the track to Fantail Falls. Both groups had lunch at Ōtānerito Bay in fine but cool conditions. The Standards were first to leave and the Alternates followed shortly afterwards. The Valley Track hadn’t suffered the same damage and it was an easier 500m ascent to the Visitor Centre and bus.

The Standards were first to arrive back and were safely in the bus when the hailstorm arrived. However, the Alternatives were caught out and had about a 30 minute dash through the storm. Arriving back at the bus we quickly removed coats and boots for the sanctuary of a warm bus.

It had been an eventful day but it was great to return to Hinewai after several years and although a dunking everyone soon warmed up and looked back on another great tramp. Many thanks to Alan our driver, he did a fantastic job ferrying us back to Bishopdale in difficult conditions.

Text by Ray B