Monument – Mt Herbert – Diamond Harbour 19 October 2022


Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Wendy Alan Jan Bbr Kate
Alternates Eric Margaret S Ali Moira

Stats: distance 14.2km, ascent 919m, time 4hrs 30mins

DOC categorizes the Monument to Mt Herbert track as an “Advanced Tramping Track” (aka “Challenging day” per DOC definitions) and for many of the 37 BTC trampers, that was an apt characterisation. Our driver Victor left Bishopdale promptly at 8:30, we picked up a few more hearty souls at the Halswell Library, and we were on the trail by 10:20.

The Standards group was made up of 24 trampers; the Alternatives were comprised of 14. The route we take has been described by Nathan James, the blogger behind the website Adventures of the South ( as “Easy-Moderate”. Steady climb is a good description. The Alternatives included 4 OBE’s, so do not let this description dissuade you from this tramp.

After an initial grunt, both groups had morning tea in the same location.  Some of us looked over Diamond Harbour. Others looked up to the mountains that were our goal for the day and wondered what was to come.

Up and up we went, about 5K to the 920 m summit of Mt. Herbert, which DOC says is “the highest peak on Banks Peninsula. The summit is dominated by tussocks, with a few speargrass plants, scattered around a small antenna housing.” The track is quite well marked on the way to the summit.

The Standards arrived about 15 minutes before the Alternatives, and we all had time to recover over lunch. The wind began to pick up and the clouds started coming in from the East, so most donned gloves, hats and jackets before the descent.

The remaining downhill tramp is not quite as well marked as the ascent, but Alternative leader Eric brought us down over what seemed like 15 stiles and through one electrified fence which thankfully was not hot as we traversed it. We covered farmland with cows nursing their calves which looked askance at our invasion of their otherwise peaceful afternoon. Fortunately, the winds blew the clouds away and we had lovely weather.

Down and down we went all the way to the Harbour where the Alternatives were met with the sight of most of the Standards with boots off and eating ice creams. A painful sight, to be sure.

Back to Halswell and Bishopdale, and we ended a lovely great challenging tramp. Txt by Michele