McCormacks Bay to Moncks Bay 28 September 2022


Group Leader Mentor Understudy Tailender
Stds Chris Dave R/Alan H Sally Margaret E
Alternates Norma Leonie Maureen Ray

Stats: distance 15km, vertical ascent 676m, time 5hrs 20mins

Some of our 41 trampers were concerned as to whether their fitness was up to scratch after a couple of weeks missed because of cancellations or injuries, and others that rain might come early.

However, this diary writer was worried that the day would be a ditto day to last year’s tramp, and there would be nothing new to write this time. Not that anyone was hoping there would be any dramatic events like an emergency helicopter rescue of course! Well, there were some differences, such as delightful celebratory treats from the Dunstans to celebrate a Significant Birthday, and the clever route our driver Alan took through the heavy Papanui traffic.

Twenty-five Standards were dropped off at McCormacks Bay Reserve (where there is just one miniscule women’s toilet in a vast building by the way) and the 16 Alternates were chauffeured up to John Britten Reserve to begin their expedition. There were lots of lovely flowers along Flowers Track, but not so much chatter as the Standards hiked at a smart pace towards John Britten Reserve and on to a morning tea spot with a great view. Leader Chris led us confidently with a few variations to the route, with the occasional short cut which no one complained about (though there might have been the occasional mutter about the steepness of the terrain).

At the Summit Road we detoured slightly to admire the view of Lyttelton before continuing on past the site of the old gun emplacements. Lunch was a little further on, in a lovely spot sheltered by prettily blooming yellow…gorse. The views of the estuary and Southshore were outstanding, as was the quarry on the hill above Evans Pass, looking like an amphitheatre for giants. Recipes and book reviews were exchanged as we relaxed and enjoyed the view, and some of us even harassed a random passing hiker named John on the merits of joining Bishopdale Trampers.

Downhill … just what we needed, following a track obviously frequented by sheep, down to Evans Pass, and then….up, looping back round the hillside until we were back just below the gun emplacements. We got our first glimpse of the Alternates on their downward spiral towards Evans Pass, apparently enjoying themselves (though one of the OBEs accidentally did an impressive bit   of gymnastics I hear).

The drizzle we were resolutely ignoring became more like light rain as we followed the narrow track along   towards   civilization/Panorama   Road.   One of   the   Weather   Team   notably   did   not   don   a   rain jacket – just so he was able to declare it could not actually be raining if his jacket was not getting wet! We enjoyed walking down Clifton Hill, admiring some impressive houses and some gorgeous spring gardens.

Mulgans Track lead us down to Moncks Bay, our usual spot for finding our waiting Leopard bus, but alas, the road cones and masses of tradies’ vans were so numerous that we had to toddle a little further to Barnett Park to our beloved bus, soon to be joined by the small mob of Alternates.

So, a most enjoyable day. Yes, at around 15kms it was quite taxing when you haven’t tramped for a few weeks, and yes, it did rain, and no, nothing much different happened from the last time this diary writer recorded this tramp. However, it was so good to get together again and enjoy another part of our wonderful Port Hills backyard.  Txt by Shirley