Here are trip photos from many of the tramps Bishopdale Tramping Club members went on in 2021.
Bellbird to Otoromiro Hotel – Christmas Lunch December 2021
Crossing the stile in Hoon Hay Reserve.
Enjoying the beautiful surroundings of Otoromiro Hotel.
Enjoying the beautiful surroundings of Otoromiro Hotel.
Faulkners Track.
Enjoying the beautiful surroundings of Otoromiro Hotel.
Boundary Hill December 2021
Morning tea one the fault line.
Need a tow? Negotiating the large slip.
The Red Lake.
Negotiating the large slip.
Pretty tricky climbing over the slip.
Greta Valley November 2021, 2020 & 2019
Big sky views December 2021.
A relic from the past.
Lunch with a view December 2021.
Damn ! the gate won’t open in October 2020.
Big sky views in 2020.
Weather not so good in October 2019.
Weather not so good in October 2019.
The Doctors – Pyramid Valley November 2021
Just leaving the bus and through the first gate.
Admiring the view.
Striding it out on The Doctors.
The gate keeper Eric waits for the Alternates to pass through the gate.
The Alternates have a break on the long uphill.
The Meeting, Standards and Alternates join forces for the last section.
Bus is ready to gather us up again
Morgans Valley – Lyttelton – Sumner November 2021
Lyttelton Harbour container cranes.
Morning tea above Morgans Valley.
Could be a long wait for the pizza.
Above Urumau Reserve
Foggy Peak – Starvation Gully/Trig M October 2021
Off the bus and getting ready to start the ascent of Foggy Peak.
On the way up Foggy Peak, SH 73 in the background.
Pause for breath and views
Standards on summit of Foggy Peak
Foggy Peak summit.
Pony Point to Barnett Park October 2021
Getting ready to set off from Pony Point.
Morning tea in Lyttelton.
A zig zag track above Lyttelton Harbour.
Cass Bay and the “Copper House”.
Harman Road Lyttelton.
Sheep action for entertainment
Hogs back Track September 2021
The old pine stump with the mountains.
Good to have a table for morning tea.
Looks stormy to the west.
Tricky river crossing
Alternates head up to Picnic Rock.
Picnic Rock, the lunch stop for the alternatives.
Mt Thomas September 2021
Standards by the Old Ghost Tree
Yet more fallen trees in the way
On the way – after morning tea
Negotiating a big slip
Lunch with a view
Over the top this time
Dry Acheron September 2021
The mountains in the distance with the prickly matagouri in the foreground.
Careful does it, one of the 23 crossings of Dry Acheron River.
Packs off for walk to Clay Gully Covenant.
Lunch in the sunshine by Dry Acheron River.
Dry Acheron River.
Time for a rest, Dry Acheron River.
All finished, back at the bus and time to change the wet socks.
Huntsbury – Mt Vernon July 2021
Lyttelton Harbour with Mt Herbert in the distance, the location of our tramp last week.
Standards having a break.
The alternatives follow the standards down to the Summit Road.
The alternatives just below Mt Vernon.
The standards at the shelter in Mt Vernon Park.
Crossing Huntsbury track.
Tree Planting Past and Present
Hard at work in the mist – 2021.
Park Ranger with the 2021 tree planters.
All set to go at Thompsons Reserve – 2021.
Camp Saddle & Helicopter Hill March 2021
View of Flock Hill.
Group photo at the bottom of Helicopter Hill.
View from Helicopter Hill towards Castle Hill.
Lunch on Helicopter Hill with the Camp Saddle scree slope in the background.
Conference at the bottom of Helicopter Hill.
What’s up, an enquiring look towards the leader.
Bealey Spur March 2021
A deep ravine between Bealey Spur and Mt Bealey.
Alternate group meets up with bus driver Victor.
A deep ravine between Bealey Spur and Mt Bealey.
Time for break.
Heading up Bealey Spur.
Craigieburn Valley March 2021
Morning tea on the track.
Crossing the shingle scree.
Lunch for the Standards.
Crossing the shingle scree.
No danger of avalanches this time of the year.
Peak Hill March 2021
You have to admire the fantastic views.
Winding our way down between the matagouri.
The hardy gentians in full flower.
Heading back down the track.
Lake Rubicon February 2021
The dry old Rubicon River.
Nearly finished the bus is just ahead.
Meeting of the clans, which way next?
Lunch time with a view of lake Rubicon.
Packing up after morning tea.
Mt Alford February 2021
View from Mt Alford to Pudding Hill.
Down through the bush again
Not much shelter for lunch.
Aerials and observatory on Mt Alford.
Getting ready to start with the imposing view of Mt Alford in the background.
Hoon Hay Reserve to Omahu Reserve January 2021
Mt Herbert and Mt Bradley.
Leader Chris waiting for the troops at Hoon Hay Reserve.
Time for break on the Crater Rim.
Morning tea in the shelter at the Bellbird.
Plenty of growth on the Port Hills this year.
Time for a break while everyone catches up.
Rakaia Gorge Walkway January 2021
Ready to head off from the carpark.
Rakaia Gorge , all the stats
Rakaia Gorge bridge.
It looks along way down to the river.
Morning in the shade at the lookout.
Rakaia River with Mt Hutt in the background.
The Rakaia River always looks spectacular.